Sanctity of Life | Deaconess Tiffany Manor
In this episode, Deaconess Tiffany Manor joins us to discuss the sanctity of life and what the LCMS’ Life Ministry is currently working on.
Start teaching, from a young age, about the value of all life with Alive Before You Were Born.
Learn more about how to witness in today's world with Every One His Witness.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Life Ministry is devoted to upholding the sanctity of human life, both in our church body and the culture at large. You can contact them with questions at
Show Notes:
We believe that all life is valuable. This can be considered a countercultural idea in our day and age– especially when it comes to the unborn. Join us in this episode as Deaconess Tiffany Manor discusses how her faith led her to uphold the sanctity of life and how the LCMS Life Ministry advocates for and upholds the sanctity of human life. Listen to understand the three areas Life Ministry covers: advocating for life, caring for life, and teaching about life. Life that holds the Imago Deo. Life that Jesus came to serve, suffer with, die for, and ultimately give the gift of eternal life to.
Questions Covered:
- What is Life Ministry?
- What areas of living does Life Ministry cover?
- How does Life Ministry involve the kingdom of the right and the kingdom of the left?
- How is the sanctity of life embedded in Lutheran Theology?
- Do local/national events play into our advocacy?
- How can we not let events be the end of our advocacy?
- What age is a good age to introduce the concept of the value of life?
- How can we practice using life-affirming language?
- What is the importance of the Church’s Life Sundays?
- How can we prepare for these uncomfortable conversations with our peers?
- What is coming up with Life Ministry?
- How can congregations start mercy care projects?
- How do we stay encouraged with these sanctity of life issues?
About the Guest:
Deaconess Tiffany Manor is the Director of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Life Ministry. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing from the University of Northern Iowa, and a Master of Arts in Deaconess Studies from Concordia Theological Seminary. Manor also has served the LCMS New England District in the areas of church worker wellness, human care and school ministry. Tiffany is married to the Rev. Jonathan Manor, pastor of Lutheran Church of the Savior in Bedford, MA, and they have four children. She enjoys walking, crafts, swimming, kayaking and “all things water.”