Understanding and Engaging Muslims | Dr. Abjar Bahkou
Witnessing in a loving way to the Muslim community can seem overwhelming. In this episode, Dr. Abjar Bahkou gives an overview of the Islamic faith and a guide to compassionately evangelize to our Muslim neighbors.
Dr. Bahkou is an associate professor of Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He has written numerous books and articles and has done extensive translation work from English into Arabic, all with the goal of improving Christian Muslim communication.
Learn more practical steps to engage with Muslims
Show Notes:
In today’s world, witnessing to those in the Muslim community can feel like an overwhelming task. Compassionate evangelism is necessary to build our interfaith dialogue and show Christ to those who do not yet know Him for who He is. In order to best witness to those who believe differently about Jesus than we do, we must know exactly where the differences start and end. Can you confidently say you understand the Muslim faith and what their beliefs entail?
Join us this episode as Dr. Abjar Bahkou walks us through a basic understanding of how we can better understand and engage with the Muslim world. Listen as Dr. Bahkou explains his background and expertise on the subject of Christian Muslim communication.
Questions Covered:
- What is Islam?
- What challenges face us in the Muslim mission field?
- How do we communicate with the different categories of Muslims?
- How does our heart for every tribe and tongue deal with the radicalization of Islam?
- How does the account of Jesus with the woman at the well give us the perfect example of cross-cultural communication?
- What reassurance does the Gospel give for the Islamic community?
- What encouragement is there for Christians seeking cross-cultural relationships?
About the Guest:
Dr. Bahkou is an associate professor of Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He has written numerous books and articles and has done extensive translation work from English into Arabic, all with the goal of improving Christian Muslim communication.
About the Host:
Elizabeth Pittman is the senior manager of public relations at Concordia Publishing House. She received degrees from Valparaiso University and the University of Missouri School of Law. It should come as no surprise that Elizabeth is passionate about sharing the love of Jesus. Her life is very busy raising three active sons with her husband.