Podcast: The Concordia Publishing House Podcast

What Were You Born to Do with Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Leininger

It’s not unusual for a child to be asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Even as adults, many of us may quietly ask ourselves, “what am I meant to do with my life?’ While that question seems daunting, the answer isn’t as elusive as we may think. I’m glad to…

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Waiting with Sharla Fritz

Thanks to Covid-19, 2020 has become endless days of waiting. Waiting for the curve to flatten, waiting to see friends and family, waiting for news about what school will look like in the fall, waiting for good news, waiting for a return to what used to be considered “normal.” How can we use this season…

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Loving the Unlovable with Rev. Tim Carter

Who are the unlovable in this world? Taking the question a step further, who are the unlovable in your personal corner of the world? Of mine? Who are the people that we hear about on the news, read about, or even whisper about, that we find hard to love? Our episode today is going to…

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Social Justice Warrior with Rev. Dr. Matt Richard

Social Justice…we’ve been hearing that term on the news and on social media with increasing frequency. But what is it? How can we recognize it? And most importantly, how can we avoid turning it into a false Christ? That’s our topic for today’s episode. I’m glad to welcome the Rev. Dr. Matt Richard back to…

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Raising Healthy, Christ-purposed Children with Dr. John D. Eckrich

Raising children is sacred and hard work. As a Christian parent, you strive to raise your children with values rooted firmly in God’s will. Setting this foundation places your child on the path to become an effective and fruitful citizen in your home and in your faith and public communities. But what are the specific…

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Politicizing Jesus with Rev. Dr. Matt Richard

It can be easy to fashion a version of Jesus to fit our political views, to blur the lines between the hope promised in a political campaign with the hope we cling to in Christ. Believe it or not, Jesus is not a democrat or republican. Or an independent. How can we avoid politicizing Jesus?…

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Devotional Writing with Deb Burma

This episode is for our listeners who like to write. Perhaps you’ve wanted to take your love of words and writing and put them to use to impact another’s life with the Gospel. Perhaps you’ve dabbled a bit in devotional writing, but want to learn more. Today we are joined by guest Deb Burma. Deb…

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Ten Reasons You Need to Talk to Your Kids About Sex, Now with Heather Ruesch

Teens hear a lot of conflicting viewpoints about sex. The world tells them to follow their heart and do what feels right. That sex isn’t a big deal, that pornography isn’t harmful, that modesty, well, it’ just old fashioned. But that’s not how God designed sex. We need to have honest conversations with our youth…

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Teaching Faith for a Lifetime with Rev. Pete Jurchen

God’s Word is timeless. It’s for everyone. But studying the Word is not a one and done experience. It is meant to be an ongoing, lifelong process. As we go through our daily lives we are confronted with big questions. A quick glance at the news headlines these days reveals many big topics that we…

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