Archives: Episode

Challenges & Opportunities for Youth Ministry with Rev. Mark Kiessling

Today on the show we’re joined by the Reverend Mark Kiessling to talk about the challenges and opportunities facing youth ministry. In a nutshell, it boils down to relationships. Reverend Mark Kiessling is the Director of Youth Ministry for the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod.

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Conversations on Faith with Representative John Shimkus

Today on the show we’re joined by Congressman John Shimkus for a conversation about faith. Rep. Shimkus has served in the Army, as a high school teacher, a county treasurer, and as a Member of the United States House of Representatives for the 15th District of Illinois since 1997. He is a member of Holy…

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Unsung Heroes: School Counselors with Jessica Brashear

In person learning, virtual learning, hybrid learning. This school year comes with a lot of big questions, big feelings, and big challenges for parents, educators, and students. The unsung heroes in all of this may just be the school counselors. Our guest today is Professor Jessica Brashear. Jessica is the director for the Master of…

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Provoking Proverbs with Dr. David Coe

Far more than just pithy sayings, Proverbs have power. They have the power to poke and provoke. Today, Dr. David Coe joins us to talk about the enduring wisdom of the Book of Proverbs. Dr. Coe is assistant professor of theology at Concordia University Nebraska. He is also the author of the new bible study,…

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The Christian Conscience with Rev. Brian Kachelmeier

Is your conscience healthy or is it troubled today? We’re joined by the Reverend Brian Kachelmeier to talk about how the conscience is formed and the one place where a troubled conscience can find comfort. Rev. Kachelmeier is the author of Reading Isaiah with Luther.

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Faith in the Shadow of a Pandemic with Rev. Dr. John Pless and Rev. Dr. Jacob Corzine

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God. This is true even in the midst of a pandemic. How do we balance the hope we have in God’s promises with the fear and uncertainty we are facing and day to day life, and how do we continue to serve…

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In Pursuit of Peace with Dan Paavola

Peace is hard to define and harder to achieve. Pandemic fears, political bickering, protests, financial fears, uncertainty about school, safety. The list of things that have the potential to disturb our peace could go on…and on. When our peace is disturbed and life makes no sense, where do we turn? Joining us to talk about…

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Lifelong Faith Learning for Adults with Rev. Dr. Pete Jurchen

How do adults learn differently than children, and what does this mean for teaching and learning the faith? Today we’ll be taking a crash course on how to approach teaching adults. Our instructor is the Rev. Dr. Pete Jurchen.

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Faith and Social Media with Rev. A. Trevor Sutton

If you are one of the 90% of Americans who use social media, let me ask you a question. How does it make you feel? Connected? Isolated? Happy? Insecure? Powerful? Hopeful? Depressed? Angry? Today we’ll be talking about how we can use social media well with our guest, A. Trevor Sutton. Trevor is associate pastor…

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Maintaining our Identity in the Midst of Struggle with Alfonso Espinosa

Struggles. We all have them. Whether the struggles you face are big or small, it’s important to remember that these struggles do not define your identity. Our guest is the Rev. Dr. Alfonso Espinosa. Dr. Espinosa is the author of Faith That Sees Through the Culture.

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