
Exploring God’s Promises | Terry Zuehsow

God’s Word is overflowing with promises for you yesterday, today, and forever. In this new episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, author Terry Zuehsow joins host Elizabeth Pittman to discuss God’s promises that he guides readers through in his book, Exploring God’s Promises: A Guided Journey through His Word.  Pre-order the book on cph.org…

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How the Light Shines Through | Chad Lakies

In this episode, CPH author Chad Lakies brings a new perspective to the discussion about outreach and witnessing, one that makes us aware of the hurt felt on all different sides in society, and aims to find healing through what Christ brings His creation. Chad talks about this and more in his new book, How…

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Embracing Your Lutheran Identity | Dr. Gene Edward Veith Jr.

On this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, Elizabeth Pittman is joined by guest Dr. Gene Edward Veith Jr. as he talks about his new book, Embracing Your Lutheran Identity. Gene takes listeners and readers on a journey from the early church through the Reformation to Lutheranism today. Elizabeth discusses how his newest work…

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Honoring the Sabbath with Work, Rest, or Play | Dr. Joel Biermann

Dr. Joel Biermann joins as guest on this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast to discuss his new book, Day: 7: For Work, Rest, or Play. In this episode, Biermann discusses how his book explores the sabbath and how it’s all about living in the joy and celebration of God’s good gifts. Get a…

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When Worldly Advice Fails | Faith Doerr

Author Faith Doerr joins this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast to discuss how we can turn to the Bible to find comfort, rather than modern self-help phrases. She also talks about how she addresses these issues in her new book, God’s Encouraging Word:  True Comforts When Worldly Advice Fails, which will release on…

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Journey through Church History | Christa Petzold

In this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, Elizabeth Pittman is joined by Christa Petzold, author of the new curriculum Journey through Church History. Christa explores why we should study and teach our children church history and how we are a part of God’s family through our baptisms.  Find out more about Christa’s new…

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Faith at Work | David Loy

In this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, Rev. Dr. David Loy joins as our guest to talk about how our vocations flow out of the love God has shown for us in Christ. Dr. Loy is the general editor of Faith at Work: Christian Vocation in the Professions. Find out more about Faith…

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Church Music | Dr. Jeffrey Blersch

In this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, Elizabeth Pittman is joined by co-host Peter Reske, CPH Senior Editor of Music/Worship. The duo hosts together to interview Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, professor of music at Concordia University Nebraska, and discuss all things church music, composition, and more.  Check out Dr. Blersch’s compositions with CPH at…

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The Lutheran Confessions in Daily Life | Rev. Andy Wright

This episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast features author Pastor Andy Wright as he previews his new book, Faithfully Formed: The Lutheran Confessions in Daily Life. Andy joins host Elizabeth Pittman to take a look at the Confessions and their roles in our lives as Christians, and how they are relevant to us as…

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Insights into Healthy Youth Ministry | Rev. Mark Kiessling and Julianna Shults

In this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, Rev. Mark Kiessling and Julianna Shults from the LCMS Youth Ministry office join host Elizabeth Pittman to discuss facilitating healthy youth ministry practices, as well as their new book, Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry, which outlines their insights into this topic Get a copy of…

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